All information and necessary forms for coaches can be found on this page and find links for courses on the home page.
All athletes must be signed up on
Hazing forms must be printed out a the beginning of the season, rules read to teams, sign and return form to Athletic Secretary as soon as possible
Coaches should remind all athletes of updated physicals being a must to play or practice (good for 13 months)
Fundraisers-fill out fundraiser request form prior to event
All injury reports must be filled out within 24 hrs. and turned into the Athletic Secretary to be turned into the school nurse (due to town insurance regulations)
At the end of each season: payment forms, keys, and uniforms/equipment must be turned in before payment form will be submitted
IMPORTANT: Athletes are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner before, during and after school or on and off the fields. They represent Murdock and should show pride as representatives of their school! ALL ATHLETES SHOULD BE RESPECTFUL AND COURTEOUS AT ALL TIMES TO STUDENTS, STAFF AND THE PUBLIC!